Key Stage 1 Sports Day

Girls vied to show off their athletic skills for the Key Stage 1 Sports Day.

During the event on Tuesday 25th June, the children demonstrated great running, jumping and throwing skills in a new format for sports day.

It was an incredibly hot day and a few changes had to be made to the race programme to give everyone some well-earned time in the shade to refresh themselves.

The children ran superbly on the track and were enthusiastic throughout their multi-sport race (sack – space hopper – egg and spoon) and then the 50 metre sprint race.

In the field events, children were pleased to be able to show off the throwing and jumping skills that they have been working on during lessons.

The afternoon culminated in the jelly relay race in their house teams and finished with an ice-lolly to cool down. It was a fantastic afternoon – well done all.


1st: Redwood – 160 house points
2nd: Chestnut – 135 house points
3rd: Beech – 126 house points
4th: Oak – 123 house points

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