Up, Up and Away

Lift-Off is a STEM initiative which gives U3 pupils an insight into the process of creative engineering within the world of flight and aviation.

Over a three-week period in Science, Maths and Computing lessons, girls get the chance to carry out scientific research, CAD design, technical scaled construction and mathematical modelling. The aim is to create the most efficient propeller driven plane.

For teams of U3 designers and pilots, collaboration, creativity and courage were finally rewarded in Flight-Day 2024.

Avoiding summer drizzle and blustery gusts all of the U3 descended upon the Sports Hall for an afternoon of fiercely competitive flights. Areas of excellence assessed during the event included lightest design, longest in the air and furthest distance travelled.

There were spectacular lengthy flights, wild and unpredictable aerobatics, mechanical failures and inevitable crashes but, just like F1 motor racing, repairs and restarts were the norm throughout.

Added to the mix was a live radio aircraft flight show from Music teacher and flight enthusiast Mr James Penman who had the crowd gasping with barrel rolls, stall turns, loop the loops and vertical ascents.

At the end of the day the entire cohort of U3 launched their planes from the hall’s balcony to create a frenzy of flight that resembled a swarm of locusts – a spectacle to behold!

Prizes for Flight-Day winners will be awarded in the Autumn. A huge thank you goes to the science technicians who worked tirelessly behind the scenes from day one.

Lift Off STEM 2024