Bonding Day 2024

On Friday 20th September, the whole senior school was off timetable for a special bonding day.

While U6 got their heads down in school to focus on working on their university admissions and L6 were London bound for a day of sightseeing, the rest of the School headed off to a wide variety of locations, aimed at providing fun, getting to know each other and working on a range of different skills, from surfing, to orienteering. Read reports from the girls taking part below.


Year 7 trip to Youlbury by Xanthe

At Youlbury, we enjoyed a variety of activities, from orienteering to fire building.

However most of all, we really enjoyed getting to know each other a little better!

In the sensory trail (which I’m sure we all enjoyed from the amount of noise) we guided each other through obstacles whilst we were blindfolded – I don’t think I have ever fallen over that many times in half an hour!

In the form poster competition, we really had to work as a team to achieve our final masterpiece. It reflected VC’s creativity and included many of our ideas, even if it didn’t resemble a whale spouting picture after all!

We had a fabulous day in the woods, which I think will be remembered for a long time.


Year 8 trip to Adventure + by Zoe

This year for bonding day, Year 8 went to Bampton Adventure+. About 45 minutes west of Oxford. The site has acres of green space and, luckily for us on the day, a place to hide from the rain!

We took part in a wide range of fun activities, including archery, slacklining, team games, bushcraft and orienteering.

Memorably, we also played archery tag, a game where foam arrows were fired not only at each other, but also extensively at Mr Rogers! Nothing like joining forces to mock-attack a teacher for bonding!

In the afternoon, it hailed and there were thunderstorms, so we played games inside and even used the climbing wall in their sports hall.

We all had a brilliant time and we enjoyed meeting new people, from Headington and Rye with the freedom to hang out in these relaxed conditions. We were very happy with our amazing bonding day!


Year 9 trip to the Real Outdoor Experience by Head of Year Mrs Helen Whitworth

On Friday 20th September the intrepid Year 9 set forth for a day of adventure at the Real Outdoor Xperience, just outside Cirencester.

Activities included canoeing, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, archery and a high ropes course. The girls were the very embodiment of the six Cs, throwing themselves into their activities with great gusto!

The day provided the opportunity to make new friends and try new things and there was much fun had by all.

Despite the sudden curtailing of the afternoon session with a spectacular thunderstorm, it was a great day and Year 9 did themselves proud with their enthusiasm and positivity.


Year 10 Dragon Boat racing by Sophia, Leila and Elsa, student Heads of Year

On September 20th, Year 10 spent a spectacular day on the River Avon at Warwick Dragon Boat racing.

It was most definitely a memorable experience for everyone and the weather held out.

The pupils learnt dryside how to paddle as a team before taking part in a number of competitive races against other teams.

Bonding day was definitely a way to unwind and focus on beating the other team in Dragon Boat racing.

We all had a great time learning to do something many of us had never done before.

Through the mixture of activities, we improved our teamwork abilities, especially as a win would only be possible to complete if everyone worked as a team.

‘Dobbies’ were the eventual winners with the ‘SeaHorses’ being singled out for their collaboration as a team.

Whilst not on the water, we chatted with our friends, people we don’t usually talk to and people we have never met before. We ate ice cream and cheered for the boats coming down the river. We all had a great time and have made lots of new friends through the experience.


Year 11 trip to the Wave by Polly

Year 11 visited the Wave in Bristol for a jam packed day of surfing.

Although at first a little apprehensive about the long journey, we were soon to discover it would all be more than worth it.

After squeezing ourselves into our wetsuits we embarked on a crash course surfing lesson with instructions on how to jump on, and hopefully stay on, the board.

Then, with our surf boards tucked under our arms, in true Californian style, we hit the waves.

With the words of the instructor skipping around our heads, we turned and suddenly a wave (of excitement and of water) was coming straight at us.

Lying on our boards and paddling forward we were picked up by the wave and propelled forwards.

Like true professionals, we popped up onto our boards and, with a sense of great pride and accomplishment, we enjoyed riding the same perfect wave again and again.

The day ended on a satisfying note when we sat, exhausted, in the wonderful cafe and talked about the great trip over cheesy chips.

Bonding Days 2024