Headington Boarding Christingle Service
Headington’s boarding community held its first Christingle Service on Sunday 8th December.
Girls from one of Headington’s five boarding houses prepared all the highly-decorated oranges and led the student-run service.
The Christingle Service was first celebrated by a German Bishop back in 1747. It’s designed to explain the Christmas message in a highly symbolic way. The orange represents the world, the red ribbon his love (and links to the blood shed at Easter to save us) and the four sticks of food/fruit/sweets represent the four ‘corners’ of the world – evenly distributing the gifts of the earth is a reminder to share what we have with those who have less. Most importantly, the candle is a reminder of Christ, the Light of World, who came at Christmas.
This was the first Christingle service for our boarders at the School. After the service, the girls lit their candles – but were given strict instructions not to relight them in their houses!
The Boarders’ Service also saw the use of the inflatable orange costume which our Chaplain used at the KS1 service at All Saints’ Church. This time, another member of staff was volunteered to show it off! Few photos of this moment are available…