International Pupils
One of Headington Rye Oxford’s many strengths is its rich and diverse make up. With around 45 different nations represented across the School, both day girls from cosmopolitan Oxford and the surrounding areas and boarders from all over the world, we celebrate and welcome the contribution made by each and every girl who joins our community.
Settling In
For our overseas boarders, home may be many thousands of miles away and for the youngest among them it may be the first time they have lived away from their families. It can take a while to get used to all the new sensations and experiences so we do everything we can to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Making Friends
Your daughter will be paired up within a ‘House Family’ – a mix of new and experienced boarders – who will complete induction activities together initially and then House duties, competitions and challenges later on in the term, giving her a chance to make friends and ask any questions she may have. Once she arrives at Headington Rye Oxford, she will be in a House which includes a diverse mix of nationalities, UK and overseas, full, weekly and half-weekly boarders. It’s a fantastically close-knit community where all the girls support, respect and learn from each other. One of our biggest celebrations in the boarding community is our International Evening each year where boarders are invited to share Music, Dance and Drama from their cultures.
Keeping In Touch
We encourage our boarders to keep in close touch with their families and make sure there are telephone, email and Skype facilities on hand so you can share all the important moments in your daughter’s boarding life.
Our boarders leave Headington Rye Oxford with a refreshingly global outlook, a deeper understanding of different cultures and lifelong friendships with girls from all over the world.
We welcome girls from overseas at all our main entry points, at 11+, 13+ and 16+.