A stylish farewell to Upper Sixth
After a Sixth Form experience like no other, Upper Sixth girls said goodbye to the School with a day of celebration and creativity.
Following the end of assessments, girls were offered the chance to take part in a fortnight of enrichment activities, with everything up to and including sushi making on offer. As the culmination of their celebrations, they took part in a special leavers’ day.
It is a Headington tradition that leavers ‘customise’ their former school uniform and this year was no exception, with creative efforts ranging from elaborate tutus to the more customary shirt signing and decoration.
The day of events began with a dramatic dance performance inspired by popular musical numbers, then a moving leavers’ service featuring music from staff and students and a performance of a popular Dr Seuss story by form tutors.
Finally, the year group rocked out at their very own music gig, the first such occasion to take place in the gallery space in The Hive. The gifted musicians had their audience on their feet enjoying the music.