Academic Scholars’ Dinner and Quiz

On Tuesday 28th January, Academic Scholars gathered for the annual Scholars’ Dinner, a highly anticipated event in the calendar.

During conversation and drinks in the Hive, we had a chance to discuss all manner of topics, from our yearly Scholars’ projects to American politics.

In due course, we moved into the Dining Room, where we sat at tables with a mix of students from various years, an excellent opportunity to socialise and to ask for help and advice from those with more experience.

After a delicious dinner of prawn paella, the quiz began.

Traditionally run by the Upper Sixth, it involved questions on a vast range of topics – from anagrams and literature to Ancient Greek and Osteology.

Some particular favourites were naming Disney songs played backwards and the New York Times game ‘Connections’.

After a gruelling contest, it was ultimately ‘Triple Threat Times 2.3 Recurring’ that was the winning team.

Despite receiving a dire seven per cent on guessing the teacher’s baby photo, they fought back, standing out during the Disney and World Maps rounds to finally triumph and win the coveted chocolate prize.

Overall it was a very successful occasion; nobody came home without having learned something new, whether it was the name of an American city or Premier League football team. We greatly enjoyed it, and look forward to next year!

By Elizabeth (Year 10)