CCF Half term update

It has been a busy half term for the CCF contingent at Headington Rye Oxford.

The contingent has hosted its Biennial Inspection, enjoyed a 21st Anniversary Dinner and celebrated the achievements of SSgt Trowbridge in Year 13, who has been named as one of Oxfordshire’s Lord Lieutenant’s cadets.

SSgt Trowbridge said: ““As a Lord-Lieutenant cadet I will be supporting the Lord-Lieutenant Marjorie Glasgow in her official engagements on behalf of the King for important events in Oxfordshire.

“I look forward to working with my 5 other peers, representing the CCF – army section for Oxfordshire schools.”

For Headington Rye’s Biennial CCF inspection, the contingent were joined by Colonel Barron. The cadets took part in various activities across the morning, showcasing some of the many activities the CCF has on offer, including rifle drill, paintballing, cooking in the field and casualty evacuation.

The group also put on an excellent and well-turned-out parade before having the chance to engage with Colonel Barron talking to him about their experiences and highlights in CCF.

The senior cadets then joined Colonel Barron for lunch, having the opportunity to hear about the development of his Army career in communications and engagement, as well as giving him the chance to get to know our cadets and their future aspirations.

Everyone, including the staff, all enjoyed the Colonel’s anecdotes and advice for future careers, as well as the importance of knowledge on geopolitics.

Read SSgt Trowbridge’s report on the anniversary dinner below.

“For the 21st anniversary of the Headington CCF, we were fortunate enough to be able to host our annual dinner at Dalton Barracks’ officers mess in Abingdon.

“It was a privilege to be joined by staff members who regularly support CCF both past, Mr Howe and present, Lt Travis, Mr Ansell, Capt Bonner, Capt Ansell as well as a few guests including Mr Skym, Mr Vlachonikolis and Mrs Jordan.

“The previous two Senior Cadets, Alina and Emma also joined us, sharing their experiences from university and UOTC.

“The meal was delicious, with traditional toasts to our King, staff and contingent as well as some speeches from our staff and senior cadets showing off all we do and achieve CCF.

“The fantastic company to appreciate each other resulted in a lovely evening that was a prime example of all the camaraderie CCF has to offer!”

CCF Inspection and Dinner

CCF Summer Camp