Chedworth Roman Villa 2024

On Wednesday 15th May L4 pupils travelled back in time for a Classics trip to some key Roman sites in the UK.

The girls visited the Chedworth Roman Villa and the Roman town of Cirencester (or as the Romans called it ‘Corinium Dobunnorum’).

They were split into two groups with one group visiting the Roman villa first and the other visiting the Museum of Cirencester. The two groups then swapped locations so that everyone could get the full Roman experience.

At Chedworth, the L4 were able to walk around the site of the Roman Villa, looking at the very rooms the Romans themselves would have once used.

From the sacred water shrine, to the dining room and bathhouse complex (containing the longest Roman mosaic floor in Britain), to the Roman toilets themselves, the L4 experienced what life would have been like for a wealthy Roman.

In the Museum of Cirencester, the L4s explored the Roman galleries, learning about the impact that the Romans had on this important British town through the artefacts that were left behind.

They also attended a workshop run by the museum’s archaeologists, where they engaged in some detective work; they were given a copy of different Roman tombstones with accompanying burial artefacts and asked to reconstruct that Roman individual. They then dressed up as Romans to reenact their lives – a literal interpretation of bringing the past to life!

With all that they have learned and experienced on this trip, the L4 are ready to embark on their final Classics project this year – ‘What did the Romans do for us?’