Creativity through Art
The Hive – Postcard Competition
We are asking you to produce an A5 image inspired by The Hive using any media you like. It could be anything from photography, ceramics, paint, to electronics, digital, AI . . . Think creativity, innovation, sustainability, enterprise, cross-curricular.
There are four categories – parents, Prep School pupils, Senior School pupils & staff. Please email entries to Tova Dalgleish or Rebecca Klico by Tuesday 4th May. Winners’ postcards will be professionally printed and used for Hive events and school activities.
Spring Term Art achievements
Throughout this term the girls at Prep have been using their creativity at home and at school to create some masterpieces. It has been woven into many lessons including English and Maths, with the illustrations of mini books created by the girls as well as posters in response to the quote “This above all, to thine own self be true” during William Shakespeare week.
Year 5 and 6 celebrated International Women’s day by creating beautiful paintings inspired by the work of American artists Faith Ringgold and Alma Woodsey Thomas. They have also created pictures using different perspectives and mediums such as tea and coffee to create stunning landscapes.
Year 3 and 4 experimented with different mediums to create 3D dragons and masks and were inspired by Henri Rousseau to create paintings of jungles and animals. The children also enjoyed an online showcase of all their work, with congratulations going to Lily and Helena who were the lucky winners of Easter eggs for their creative efforts throughout the term.
Year 2 learnt about the Fire of London and created a street scenes of houses on fire. In a ‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’ topic they sketched real life castles, created towers and castles from objects and materials found at home and as the culmination, they designed and made a fortress for the three little pigs using recycling materials. They worked in groups to do this and showed great collaboration and creativity. The girls also created Easter gardens on their trip to Forest School.
Year 1 have been learning about Space in their topic and have created alien models, planet paintings, a moon buggy and space rockets and then more recently as part of their dinosaur project they created enormous Easter dinosaur eggs.
Reception have been busy creating a range of things since returning to school, from upcycling shoes, painting symmetrical butterflies in Maths, doing portraits, painting the seasons and even making wonderful Easter cards for the end of term.
This year girls have been encouraged to enter some work into the Royal Academy of Arts summer exhibition so watch this space to see the results after Easter.