Drama in the Woods

“On Friday the 7th of June, U3 had a visit from the company Drama in the Woods. It was a great fun filled day, and we all had a blast.

First, we played a game as a full year group, along with the Rye girls joining us next year. This game challenged us to speak as an ensemble, while also keeping us active. After this, we split off into three separate groups and played more games, eventually leading to a fun search through the woods.

Tags of lines from the play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ were hidden throughout the woods, and we had around 10 minutes to find them and bring them back to our team leader. Once they were counted up, people performed a single one to the whole year group.

After lunch, we went back into our groups and began working on our pieces. Our team leaders gave us roles to perform, such as Titania, Puck and Bottom, just to name a few. Then, we performed.

Group one started with the scenes of Theseus and Hipolita’s wedding, Hermia and Lysander fleeing Athens and a scene with Oberon and the fairies.

Group two, The Mortals, met together where they were provided with all sorts of fabrics and materials, which were hung around a tree, and Titania was dressed with a white cape, and bunting. Then it went to the first Mechanicals scene, with the commode of Bottom’s head turning into the head of a donkey.

Finally, group three. The first scene included Puck, Oberon and the lovers, which was followed by the scene where Titania fell in love with Bottom, and then finally the Mechanicals play. To finish the day, three girls performed Puck’s final speech, which ended the day with a good laugh.

Overall, everyone loved the day, and enjoyed performing with the rest of U3.”

Written by Summer and Nancy (U3)