Economics Ambassadors

Headington’s Economics Ambassadors, Violetta and Kelly (both L6), have had a busy few weeks.

In between their mock exams, they interviewed two heavyweight thinkers of the Economics world: Daron Acemoglu and Naomi Klein.

First, they held a 30 minute zoom call with Prof Acemoglu before his Oxford Union talk in May.  “We spoke about the transition from extractive to inclusive institutions for countries that have a long history of corruption and dictatorship.  Although there isn’t a simple answer, Prof Acemoglu highlighted the importance of foreign aid but he proposed an alternative model to the traditional process foreign – to bypass the international aid groups and directly deploy cash to those in need. Moreover, he emphasised how foreign aid can never be enough, as the problem of economic development is not a lack of resources, but better education, innovation and getting rid of institutional barriers.

Second, they attended a talk by Naomi Klein at the Sheldonian theatre in June.  Klein spoke about her new Doppelganger.  Ms Klein focussed most of her talk on the conflict in Palestine.  From an academic point of view, the girls enjoyed the fact she highlighted the importance of history and geography when seeking resolution to economic and political issues.

Violetta and Kelly both intend to apply for Economics courses at university later in the year and these exchanges promise to add incredible value to their personal statements.

The Economics Department has recently been shortlisted for the Subject Lead category at the TES Awards 2024.