HPQ and EPQ Presentation Evening 

Each year Headington’s L5 and L6 students put on an evening showcasing the end result of their academic projects. Read the report of the evening written by Higher Project Qualification and Extended Project Qualification co-ordinator Mrs Anneka Streule below:

“On Wednesday 19th June, we welcomed friends and family of our HPQ and EPQ students, to celebrate and learn about the independent research projects that our students have conducted over the course of the year. Our L5 HPQ students hosted a fantastic poster session in the library explaining their research findings and project process to our guests on a wide range of topics from the impact of supportive parenting styles on teenage anxiety levels, to an examination of how Hogarth and Hockney’s Rake’s Progresses relate to the Moral purpose of a teenage girl in today’s society to an in depth look at the best nutritional diet for a horse with laminitis.

Our L6 EPQ students each gave individual presentations on their research projects and fielded a wide range of questions from audience members. As in previous years the standard of research conducted was fantastic, with the Lower Sixth students showing the extent to which they had become the expert in the room over the course of their research projects. Highlights included whether the Christian missionaries of the 1800-1900s had a greater impact on the culture or the religion of the Igbo tribe, how the portrayal of the female narrators of the Anglo-Saxon Elegies is similar to those of the Heroides by Ovid, and an examination of the causes of the marginalisation of women in Japanese politics and possible solutions.

A huge congratulations to all the students who presented their research findings so confidently and articulately. We wish them well as they complete their final preparations before submitting their projects for marking at the end of this term. Thank you to all the EPQ and HPQ supervisors and the numerous staff that helped make the evening such a wonderful evening.”

HPQ & EPQ Evening 2024