Music during the Autumn Term

The Music Department has been busy creating a cacophony of sound this term. With over 160 music lessons happening each week and a number of girls learning instruments outside of school, the Prep School is blessed with many musical pupils!

Of particular note this term was the celebration of the fantastic achievements of Sara, Year 6 who was selected to play the clarinet at the National Children’s Orchestra in 2024 and Isa in Year 6, who was awarded a place in the National Youth Choir. 


The Prep School’s Mini Soul Train and Orchestra wowed the audience at the Senior School’s Winter Concert. Mr James Penman, Acting Director of Music at Headington Senior School, commented on how impressed he was with the standard of players in the orchestra and how delighted he is that so many of the Year 6s will join Sinfonietta in the senior school next year.

Pupils have been working hard in preparation for their recent ABRSM music exams. With so many different instruments being learnt at the Prep School, it is wonderful to see the progress of the children. Of particular note was Jiayin, Year 6, who took her Grade 7 piano in the Summer Term and gained full marks in all three of her pieces. Mrs Amy Evetts, Head of Music at the Prep School commented: “This is such an incredible achievement and completely unheard of. I am super impressed with Jiayin and so proud of her efforts to achieve this.”

Prep continues to link with the local community through a variety of events and rehearsals are underway for Year 2 and a handful of Chamber Choir to sing Christmas carols at St Luke’s Hospital in the next couple of weeks. They will also perform at this year’s Christmas Fair for parents to hear. 

It has been a busy musical term as always and next term looks to continue this trend, as pupils will be working towards piano concerts and the big Ensemble concert to the whole school and parents. For now though, the culmination of their hard work will be available for all the parents to enjoy and the various Christmas events during the last couple of weeks of term. Hopefully this will set the mood for a very happy Christmas for all the Prep parents.