Opal Coast French Trip 2024

On Friday 28th June 28 U3 and L4 (Year 7 and 8) pupils boarded a coach and headed for the Opal Coast in northern France.

After an easy journey the group arrived at our accommodation and ate a hearty French meal before taking part in a scavenger hunt with our French activity leader.

The next day the girls arose bright and early and after breakfast headed to our first destination; a snail farm. The pupils learnt about the fascinating life cycle of a snail before having a go at handling them. Many of the pupils then tucked in to some snails prepared using traditional recipes.

The group then headed to the nearby town of Boulogne-sur-Mer. The pupils were given time to explore the market and try out their French on the market stall holders.

They then headed to the beach for a picnic lunch. After playing some beach games with the activity leader they visited a ceramics museum which showcased the traditional craft from the region. Pupils also had the chance to make their own creations in a pottery workshop.

On the final day the girls spent the morning pedalling through the French countryside on a disused railway track.

The pupils shared four-person karts and had to pedal hard uphill for an hour in order to enjoy free-wheeling back down again!

The group then headed back to the ferry and despite arriving two hours early only just managed to board their boat due to huge queues. They arrived back at school at 8.00 pm and all pupils swiftly headed home to recover in time for Sports Day.

Trip leader Mr Ed Smyth said: “Overall it was a fantastic trip and the pupils were an absolute delight to be with.”