Remembrance at Headington Rye
Remembrance was honoured at school this last week as the boarding community joined the wider city at the Civic Service by the cenotaph.
The School’s CCF regiment was present and acquitted themselves magnificently. Our company sergeant, Emma Trowbridge had the privilege of leading, alongside a veteran, the Act of Remembrance.
On Armistice Day itself, the senior school gathered in our Sports Hall for a service of remembrance. The homily focused on the tomb of the unknown warrior – but known to God.
The Rev Tom Howell, School Chaplain, said: “It is a great challenge and a sobering inspiration that individuals unknown to us, laid down their lives for us – for our peace and for our freedom.”
The Chamber Choir sang beautifully and the last post was played flawlessly by Elayna.
This year the School’s focus on remembrance was especially notable as thousands of poppies were put up around the Hive.
There was a beautiful reminder of the lines of the old school prayer, words from the book of Philippians, ‘whatsoever things are true, pure, lovely and of good report may here forever flourish and abound’.