Sports Day 2021
This year with bubble group restrictions, the School’s Sports Day field events took place across summer games lessons and track events took place at scheduled times on Monday 5th July.
There were some incredible performances including some school records set this year by Issie (L4) in the 800m and Evey (U4) in the 1500m. The winners for sports day in each of the year groups are listed below alongside our overall house winner:
U3: Windrush
L4: Ford
U4: Isis
L5: Ford
Overall Winners: Ford
Miss Sarah Huggins, Head of PE at Headington School said: “Sports Day is one of the best days of the year for the PE Department! To watch all the pupils cheer each other on, compete and perform to the best of their ability, it is truly a heart-warming day. Congratulations to all pupils, it was a lovely way to end the school year!”