U6 Graduation

Students, staff and parents came together to celebrate the end of the girls’ time at Headington at a special graduation ceremony.

U6 Graduation, on Friday 5th July, was an opportunity to mark the achievements of the students and award prizes for a variety of academic and other achievements and to look forward to the girls’ next steps.

Headmistress Caroline Jordan said: “Reflecting on the incredible things these girls have achieved over their time at Headington makes me immensely proud.

“They should be rightly proud of their accomplishments and I am very much looking forward to celebrating with them again in August as they receive their well-earned results.”

Twelve of those crossing the stage began their Headington journey in the Prep School, with some joining in the Nursery. The range of courses selected by graduates reflects the School’s goal to help every student be who they want to be with Medicine, Veterinary and History featuring alongside Fashion Communication, Cyber Security and Film Production.

Special guest Prof Irene Tracey, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University and a former Headington parent, shared her personal memories of Headington and reflected on her parallel experiences as her son graduated from an Oxfordshire school alongside those being recognised on Friday. During her inspiring address, the renowned researcher and scientist called on those graduating to aim to give back more than they received throughout their lives.

U6 Graduation Day 2024