Careers & Higher Education

One of the most important things we do in Sixth Form is to prepare you for the next stages. Whether that is to university and higher education, the route chosen by the vast majority of our girls, or into the workplace through one of the many prestigious school leaver programmes or workplace-based degrees now available, we are here to support you.

How will Headington Rye Oxford help me?

We will provide you with lots of support in both making your decision and preparing you for the process of interviews and applications. Perhaps most importantly, the increased independence Sixth Form offers and the challenge of managing and being responsible for your own learning will make you ready for the world of work or university.

Where will I go?

Girls go on to study a huge range of different subjects and career paths. These are some of the highlights from the class of 2023-2024.

Architectural Foundation Course – AAL Architectural Association London

Biology – Aberystwyth University

Film Production – Arts University Bournemouth

International Management – Bath University

Mathematics (with study abroad) – Bath University

Structural and Architectural Engineering – Bath University

Anthropology – Birmingham University

Biochemistry – Birmingham University

Biological Sciences – Birmingham University

Electronic Engineering – Birmingham University

Law LLB – Birmingham University

Philosophy – Birmingham University

Psychology – Birmingham University

Sports Management – Bournemouth University

Biology – Bristol University

History & French – Bristol University

Psychology – Bristol University

Veterinary Science – Bristol University

Business Management – Bristol UWE

Anglo Saxon, Norse & Celtic – Cambridge University

Engineering – Cambridge University

Medicine – Cambridge University

International Relations – Cardiff University

Fashion Design – Central Saint Martins London

Mechanical Engineering – Dartmouth College, USA

Biological Sciences – Durham University

Chemistry – Durham University

International Relations – Durham University

Politics, Philosophy and Economics – Durham University

Arabic & Politics – Edinburgh University

Computer Science – Edinburgh University

Philosophy – Edinburgh University

English Literature – Exeter University

Medicine – Exeter University

Natural Sciences – Exeter University

Popular Music – Goldsmiths, University of London

Architecture/ Manchester Architecture – Hong Kong University

Material Science & Engineering – Imperial College, London

Medicine – Imperial College London

Biomedical Sciences – King’s College London

Mathematics – King’s College London

Sociology, Social Policy & Crime  – Leeds University

Biomedical Sciences – Liverpool University

Lifesciences & Business Management – LMU Munich Germany

Materials Science and Engineering – Loughborough University

Drama – Manchester University

Material Sciences & Engineering – Manchester University

Politics & Economics – Manchester University

Business – New York University (Stern School of Business)

Management  – Nottingham University

Medicine – Nottingham University

Computer Science for Cyber Security – Oxford Brookes University

Acting with Musical Theatre – Oxford School of Drama

English Language & Literature – Oxford University

French & Philosophy – Oxford University

French (Modern Languages) – Oxford University

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering – Princeton University, USA

Medicine – Queen Mary University, London

Biomedical Engineering – Reading University

Biomedical Sciences – Reading University

Biological Sciences – Sheffield University

Biomedical Engineering – Sheffield University

General Engineering – Sheffield University

International Relations & Economics – SOAS London (School of Oriental & African Studies)

Japanese & Economics – SOAS London (School of Oriental & African Studies)

World Philosophies – SOAS London (School of Oriental & African Studies)

Ecology & Conservation – St Andrews University

History of Art – St Andrews University

Business Management and Marketing – Surrey University

Biomedical Sciences – UCL

Electronic & Electrical Engineering – UCL

Neuroscience – UCL

Sustainable Built Environments, Energy, Resources – UCL

Economics Major – University of California San Diego (UCSD)

Economics – University of East Anglia (UEA)

Paramedic Science – University of East Anglia (UEA)

Philosophy – University of East Anglia (UEA)

Fashion Communication & Industry Practice BA Hons – Vogue College of Fashion London

Biomedical Science – Warwick University

Economics – Warwick University

Business Management – York University

English – York University


What does a typical Headington Rye Oxford girl go on to do as a career?

There is no straight answer to this as there is no typical Headington Rye Oxford girl. While we have lots of former girls working as, for example, doctors or lawyers, we also have girls pursuing careers in the Arts, in business, in engineering; indeed in every field imaginable.

Our job is to make sure you have all the tools and information to make the right decision about which path you wish to follow. If you have no idea which path is right for you that’s okay too – we will help you look at your options and encourage you to make the right decision for you. Girls also have the chance to be a part of our vibrant and global professional networking community via Headington Connect.

First thoughts about the future

Girls are first invited to consider their future as far down the School as Year 8, aged 12 or 13, as they explore different careers through various activities. As they get older, we help them further explore the possibilities and options for them, looking at CVs, practicing interview technique and learning more about the realities and requirements of different careers. Additional bespoke services are offered as the girls become clearer about their strengths and weaknesses and where they see themselves after Headington Rye Oxford.

Tailored Support

In the Sixth Form, you will benefit from:

  • Expert guidance for UCAS applications
  • Annual Higher Education evening
  • Careers fairs and careers advice in tutor time, assemblies and PSHE
  • Visits and talks from representatives from specific universities
  • One to one advice and support from tutors and Higher Education mentors
  • One to one interviews with tutors and the academic management team to discuss first steps in careers and post-school options
  • Fortnightly Higher Education mentoring from Spring Term of L6
  • Preparation for university admissions tests
  • Headington Futures programme
  • Critical and Creative Thinking curriculum (help with future employability)
  • Academic Skills lessons to help you attain the grades you need for university or apprenticeships
  • Headington Connect sessions to enable Year 12 summer work experience programmes
  • Regular communications about work experience and university level programmes for Year 12 and Year 13 students via the pupil briefing
  • Support with references and applications for all work experience and placements
  • Advice on apprenticeship and other direct-to-work programmes

You may also choose to take advantage of:

  • Specialist programmes for Oxbridge, Law, Architecture and Medicine applications
  • Help with applications to universities overseas
  • Information and advice about gap years
  • Subject specific visits to universities
  • Lectures from university professors in a range of different subjects
  • Through Headington Connect, access to 2,000+ professionals willing to help, who have experience of working in over 280 different industries

Whether you are a future chef, a research scientist or a hedge fund manager, we will make sure you are ready for the next step on the road towards your goal.