Meet Franca

Franca, a Music and Academic Scholar, joined the Prep School in Year 2 and is currently studying for A Levels in Biology, Chemistry, Maths, AS Level Further Maths and working on an Extended Project Qualification. A keen musician, Franca plays Soprano Saxophone, Violin, Piano and Recorder. She has achieved Grade 8 in Saxophone and Recorder and is currently working on a Diploma in Saxophone. She plays in Big Band and strings group Stringendo. Alongside her passion for music, Franca hopes to train and qualify as a vet specialising in horses and currently volunteers at a smallholding to help obtain work experience.

On becoming a Vet

Since I was really young, I have always wanted to work with animals so it was the obvious career path. The School was very supportive with my GCSEs and helped me achieve good grades and at the moment I am also doing Med/Vet Soc at school which is really helpful and will help me with applications to university. There have also been careers evenings where I’ve had a chance to speak to a vet.

On Music

I’m not from a musical family. All the way back in the Prep School, Mrs Evett, the Head of Music there, really helped my love of music, she was so inspiring. That has continued up through Senior School with Mr Penman and Mrs Jamison, the Head of Music at Senior. We have termly concerts which I have always been a part of as well as a Music Scholars’ Concert at the Jacqueline du Pré Music Building which is amazing – it has brilliant sound, the acoustics are amazing. I think the music is brilliant here, it’s really nice that there are so many opportunities to play and perform and clubs too. The staff are all really patient and help you to do the best you can. They’re also really welcoming for people who want to start an instrument later on.

On being able to combine her passions

Now I am in sixth form, it’s so nice to have my own time and be able to learn how to do independent study. At university it will very much be left up to you, so it’s great preparation for university life. I remember from Year 7, we had the carousel of activities which were compulsory but it was so good that they were because it encouraged me to try new activities. I am really fortunate to be at this school, the School enables you to try everything and have these amazing opportunities.

On what she’s learned about herself

I’ve definitely become a lot more confident since being at the School. I’m also better at communicating and speaking and I think that’s due to the School. I’ve become much more creative, especially taking advantage of the opportunities in the Hive. I did Textiles GCSE which I really enjoyed and I spent pretty much every breaktime in the Hive. The creative staff are all really good at helping you to be the best you can be.

On her goals and ambitions

My main goal is to get in to a Veterinary Science course at university and I would love to go to Cambridge because the course has a lot of facilities for equine medicine which is the area I would like to specialise in. While I am there, I would like to be able to use my music as a social opportunity, maybe join a band and use that to make new friends at university.